The Tour

Shopping with Lucie!…

will take you off the beaten path from Vienna’s famous shopping streets to the best, hidden shops and boutiques you otherwise may not find on your own. You will be shown some of the best in modern Austrian designer clothing, accessories, jewelry, home decor and more, all while enjoying a stroll through the charming streets of Vienna. 

You will also be privy to a few international insider tips, as well as having the guidance of a seasoned Fashion Stylist should you be in need of assistance. And if you wish, there is always a traditional or trendy Viennese Cafe along the way for a short or a long refreshing break. 

Whether you are looking for special gifts or just interested in seeing what’s new in Austrian design, “Shopping with Lucie!” is a unique and entertaining shopping experience for any explorer.

About Lucie

Lucie was brought up and educated in New York.

Having experimented with several careers she combined the two careers she has the most interest and experience in, tourism and fashion styling, to create Vienna’s first ever Shopping Tour: “Shopping with Lucie!”

Working several years as a travel agent, and then many satisfying years as a wardrobe and fashion stylist for advertising, editorial, television, and catalogs, enabled Lucie to travel far and wide.

Booking Info & Contact

To book a tour, or for more information,
please call +43 (0) 680 214 4074,
or write an email